Growth Review Identification Toolkit (GRIT-LAH) Workshop (1+1 day)
Workshop suitable for HRM and management personnel responsible for optimising organisational performance
Learning Outcomes
Introduction to GRIT-LAH & explanation of key concepts behind the toolkit
Identification of organisation's current stage of growth informally
Identification of potential performance related gaps in the organisation
Understand how GRIT-LAH can be applied to bridge and augment organisational gaps to improve organisational performance
Empowering Star Performance Using designtwork™ system eHRM system (2day)
Workshop suitable for Companies, enterprises and business owners who want to achieve results through every single individual and in alignment to their organisational goals.
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the workshop, participants to acquire essential knowledge & skills in administrating:
designtwork™m system modules and tools
Leverage on organisation’s social learning platforms
Manage integrated competency-based performance profiles
Manage LD modules and career development tools
Gamify L&D with InnovKards™ - Foundation (1day)
Workshop suitable for Learning designers, human resource professionals, consultants, business innovators, organisations who are interested in human capital development.
Workshop objectives
Learn about the dual functions of InnovKardsTM
Gamification of L&D processes (rational, benefits, usage)
Consulting tool for strategizing and planning processes
Learn and experience the foundational theories underpinning InnovKardsTM Methodology
Apply InnovKardsTM Methodology in 3 selected context
Learn about other tools that complements InnovKardsTM methodolo
Workshop Benefits
Certified as Facilitator for InnovKardsTM
Exclusive use of InnovKardsTM methodology and selected resource materials
Leverage on the advantages of using InnovKardsTM
Multi-platforms of applications (Rapid learning design & development process, training needs, strategy formulation)
Fosters collaborative experiential learning
Promotes creativity and innovation in design process planning & implementation
Discover new insights for learning design or strategy formulation
Inexpensive engagement methodology and platform
ChangeMakers 101 Using gameChangers™ - Foundation (2day)
Workshop suitable for Companies, enterprises and business owners embarking on organisation development, human capital transformation and other change interventions
Learning Outcomes:
Through purposeful “Play-N-Learn” (Using gameChanger Deck, Board and web resource) strategies at different juncture of the Workshop to enable participants to acquire essential skills in the following areas:
• Becoming ChangeMakers of the organisation
• Building sustainable ChangeMaker’s mindset and habits
• Leading transformative interventions